Cover Letter and CV - Crossing The Barriers

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Lubliniec > March 2013
Cover Letter and CV

Cover Letter( Letter of Application) and CV 2 polish language lessons

I. Main issues:
The ability to assess and present skills and interests, as well as preparation of the necessary documents when applying for the job.
II. Subject: Cover Letter
what can I offer employer?
III. Lesson goal:
When lesson finished the student should:
- be able to assess his skills and interests;
- know how to write the Cover Letter correctly;
- remember to highlight all of the characteristics and experience in his Cover Letter, that refer to the position he is applying for;
- understand the desirability of writing a Cover Letter
creation of the desired image of himself.
IV. Terms:
1. List of experiences and skills
2. Cover Letter
3. Components of the Cover Letter
V. Methods:
Mini lecture supported with examples and exercises for students.
VI. Teaching materials:
Scheme of cover letter, cover letter examples, articles from the Internet.
VII. The proposal of the course:
1. Subject: Cover letter
what can I offer employer?
2. Teacher's lecture on how to effectively present our/their talents in order to find the right job; a discussion of the documents needed when applying for the job
cover letter and  curriculum vitae.
3. Students create a list of their skills and abilities necessary/useful at work.
4. Presentation of cover letter scheme and examples of cover letters.
5. Students write cover letters themselves, using computers. Teacher should supervise students work.
6. Documents printing.
7. Discussion and correction of mistakes.
VIII. Teaching notes:
The lesson should be held in the computer lab, using any text editor software and printer supplied/equipped with paper. Student have essential skills to use text editor.


I. Main issues:
The information needed to write a good CV - talents, education, work experience, interests and necessity of collecting information about the work that you apply for- responsibilities to combine and match the skills with those required for your profession; required education and work experience-  to combine your own education and work experience with the requirements of a specific job offer.
II. Subject:
CV means resume.
III. Lesson goal:
When lesson finished the student should:
- know how to write the curriculum vitae correctly;
- explain the difference between CV and resume;
- assess the correctness of written CV;
- understand the desirability of writing a resume properly, aesthetically and clearly.
IV. Terms:
1. Basics of writing a good curriculum vitae.
2. The facts presented in reverse chronological order.
V. Methods:
Mini lecture supported with examples and exercises for students.
VI. Teaching materials:
Scheme of curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae examples, articles from the Internet.
VII. The proposal of the course:
1. Subject: CV means resume.
2. Teacher's lecture on how to create correctly written resume, what are the composing elements, where to pay a great attention; reverse chronological order in CV.
3. Students show the differences between CV and resume.
4. Presentation of CV examples.
5. Students write CV themselves, using computers and printing prepared documents. Teacher should supervise students work.
6. Discussion over completed exercise.
VIII. Teaching notes:
The lesson should be held in the computer lab, using any text editor software and printer equipped with paper. Student have essential skills to use text editor.

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