Relaxing activities - Crossing The Barriers

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Lubliniec > March 2013
Stress under control

Relaxing activities with elements of P. Denison's educational kinezjology

Activities take place in the Room of  Experiencing  the World  with accompaniment of music
Aims of the activities:
Relaxing the muscle tension and balancing emotions
Strenghten of the concentration and coordination work of both hemispheres
Making the visual perception better.
Improving communication skills
Forms: Group work
Methods: a show, practical exercises
Didactic aids: the equipment of the Room of Experiencing the World, the cassette with relaxing music
The course of actvities:
Welcoming- an exercise „ Open the door”
Respiratory exercises:
Breathing in with a nose raising hands at the same time and breathing out with a mouth, going down and hunching to the position of „ a frog”.
An exercise „ An owl” in standing position.
Alternate movements (a right hand- a left knee, a left hand- a right knee, a right hand- a left foot, a left hand- a right foot) going round in the circle.
Relaxing exercises in a standing position- tensing muscles from the feet to the face- holding on the position for some time and rapid relaxing
Exercises in front of a mirror
A position Coo
ka in a sitting position.
Lazy eights in a sitting position- with one hand and with two hands.
Drawing given patterns with two hands in air in front of the mirror.
A play „ A deaf telephone”- drawing puzzles on sb's back and on the surface of a hand
We're lying on our back on the bed and breathing consciously we raise with a muscles of the stomach the book lying  on it
On the bed we're lying on the stomach making massage with a rhyme:
I close my eyes, thinking nothing, all my toughts and problems are far behind me, I only listen and feel
It's warm, sunny day- we stroke the back
I feel warmly and nice, as well  more and more pleasant.
Sun is shining stronger and stronger, I feel well
Suddenly the wind starts blowing, a warm and nice wind blows- the movement of hands become quicker. I feel warm and pleasant wind, wind blows stronger and stronger.
It starts spring, warm rain- we imitate rain with the fingers
Single drops falling on me
Rain become stronger and stronger. I feel more and more drops, a downpour starts
From far away we hear thunders and lightenings. We draw a lightening on the back.
The storm comes closer and closer, the strong wind blows, it's raining and the wind is blowing
Slowly the wind chase clouds, a storm become calms down it's quieter and quieter and nice
From behind the clouds the sun appears and lighten the world, I feel again well and safe
A massage with a ball. Rolling the ball aroundly ( poking with a ball) from the down part of the spine towards up (right- left side)
„Embryo” position  
on the knees the bend of the head to the floor, arms along legs- hands open up- we breath and rest
Finishing- we stand in a circle „ A spark”
Activities led by a psyhologist Anna Bogus and an educator Elżbieta Kucharska

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